Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Britney re-thinking about the sex tape

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Just after news were released that Britney was going to ditch her "beloved" husband Kevine Federline, we also heard about the star's sex tape.

After publicity on popular sites, with the ad in the lines of:

"Need help selling celeb porn tape." "I�m kinda unsure how to do this, being a �county boy� but I have a tape shot of me and Britney Spears and I was wondering if anyone in�LA would know who I could sell it to . I need the money and she doesn�t even talk to me anymore. This is in or around Kentwood, LA."

Kevin Federline has already been approched by a porn businessman to buy the tape, but he chose to refuse his deal.

We so far know that the sex tape was made on the couple's honeymoon two years ago.

After this time, the celebrity, Britney Spears is thinking about actually giving away a digitally re-mastered copy of the alleged to be 4 hour long sex video (Federline claims it's 4 hours long, however other sources say it's closer to 45 minutes). She even said that she may post a clip on MySpace.

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