Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jewelry and the Job Interview - How to Ace Both

It's a day you've been anticipating. You've been preparing for this job interview for weeks with the primary goal of making a lasting impression on the interviewer. What's certain is that it's unquestionably worth pulling out all of the stops in demonstrating what a qualified candidate you are. You've selected a smart black skirt suit, a crisp blue oxford shirt, and sensible mid-heel shoes. As you stare at the reflection of yourself completely dressed, you suddenly discover that something is missing. Your outfit is simply screaming for accessories, but which ones do you choose? Below are some helpful tips that will have you standing out in only the best way as the perfect job candidate.

1. Stay focused - by keeping things in perspective, you know exactly what your primary aim should be---landing the job. Conduct and present yourself in a polite and professional manner at all times. Be prepared to answer questions intelligently and thoroughly.

2. Now about appearances - You don't want your outfit to take center stage during the interview, but feel some comfort in knowing that it's okay to show some measure of style. As long as you remember that you're not dressing for a date, or a social event you should be fine. Try introducing a pop of color in a necklace or earrings. Whatever you do, don't wear too many pieces all together. Bear in mind that what you choose does matter. Stay on the side of conservative when in doubt, and save your runway accessories for later, when you actually get the job.

3. What's Appropriate and what's Not.
Big chunky cuff bracelets, any type of clanging bracelets, huge dangling earrings, glitzy anklets, sizeable rings, nose rings, and ear piercings are so NOT appropriate. Stud earrings, post earrings, a tasteful jewelry necklace, and an under-stated watch appropriate DO's. And while wearing too many accessories for a job interview hasn't been documented anywhere as a reason for not getting a job, you probably shouldn't chance it. This is only acceptable if you've applied somewhere for a creative title or a a fashion position. Happy job hunting!

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